Friday, August 6, 2010

Thrity-Seven Weeks!

Today is a good day to be Baby D, because today s/he is officially full term!

(You can come out anytime now, little baby!)

Starting at eleven weeks gestation, we took one picture every week or so and put it on facebook to chronicle Baby D's growth. I'll spare you having to look at all twenty-five pictures, but I thought it'd be fun for you to to see how things went month-by-month!

So without further ado, let's start at Week 11, when I was able to stop throwing up long enough to pose for a photo-op:

And to think I actually thought I looked fat back then. Sigh. :-D

The next week, at three months:

Four months:

Nineteen weeks (almost 5 months). This was how I looked that Friday...

...And here I am on Monday, three days later. I POPPED!

Five months, with Adam.

Six months.

Seven months.

Eight months.

Nine months, taken last week!

...which brings us to today, at 37 weeks.

Why yes, I AM wearing my husband's shirt. Don't judge me until you've walked a mile in my maternity pants. Speaking of which, you may have noticed that I'm wearing the same pair of maternity jeans in the majority of these pictures. I totally scored them at Ross for 50 cents! It always makes me smile a little to put them on, because I have DEFINITELY gotten my money's worth out of them. Let's hear it for the clearance rack!

So there's your little slideshow for the day. Hope you enjoyed seeing it as much as I enjoyed putting it together!


  1. Nice to see that little baby progress! Best wishes on your labor and delivery.

  2. I love the slideshow! I'm going to have to put together one of those before I'm due the last week of December! Good luck with your delivery!

  3. fun pictures! and 50 cent jeans--whoa!
