Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Frugal Feeding

A few weeks ago, I decided to feed Adam and myself for $25 a week. This does not come without its unique challenges, since almost anything takes a good chunk out of the budget. Want that jar of peanut butter for $2.50? Congratulations, you have just spent 10% of your budget! So anyways, here is the week's menu plan:

Lentil soup (no sense letting that Christmas ham bone go to waste!)
My special Southwestern Bean Dish
Beef Carrot Casserole
Baked Potatoes
Stir Fry
(Friday nights, we eat out)

I am experimenting with making bread because store-bought bread is so darn expensive. We have tons of leftover ham, and we also have cheese and any condiments you could wish for. We are set for sandwiches!

This family loves oatmeal. We have tons of it lying around. I also do pancakes, and this week, Apple Walnut Muffins will pop up somewhere.

A lot of this stuff is already in the house. I like to make gargantuan amounts of a single dish and freeze the leftovers. Here is what $25 bought me this week:

Cottage Cheese: $2.88
Sour Cream: $1.50
Chili powder: $2.99
Flour: $2.29 (I caved in and got the bleached because it came with coupons for other baking goodies. How do I live with myself?)
Lentils: 2 bags for $.99 each
Tomato Sauce: 2 cans for $1
Turkey bacon: $2.75
Bananas: $1.98
Carrots: $1.89
Potatoes: $1.54
Apples: $1.40
Onion: $1.04

I got to the end of the shopping excursion and realized I did not have enough money in the budget for coffee!!! I had an extra dollar left in the budget, so I bought one of those little Millstone 99-cent bags. It's good for a few cups. This is going to be a very. long. week.

Millstone coffee: $.99

Grocery Total before tax: $24.23


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cleaning the house made easy!- or at least more manageable

Howdy! In a nice irony, I am taking a break from cleaning the house to tell you exactly what I do to clean the house. Of course, if you had seen the mountain of dishes that I just tackled, you would understand why I deserve the break!

Speaking of mountains, that is pretty much how the whole apartment looks until I finally just up and clean the durn place. It is pretty intimidating to clean the WHOLE place in one day, but this is what I do to make molehills out of those mountains:

1. Turn on some good music.

2. Get a timer, set it for thirty minutes, and clean the worst room in the house.

3. When the half hour is up, go to the next worst room. It doesn't matter if room #1 didn't get spotless. Just go! Repeat steps 1-3.

I like this system because this way, Perfectionism will not keep me in one room for the entire day.  And the house ends up at least a little better than it was, if not completely clean. And I find that many parts don't even take half an hour! Sometimes I'll see how many rooms I can do in thirty minutes!

I just have a little apartment, so the half-hour time is perfect for me. I can get the whole house looking great in a couple of hours. For those fortunate to have a real house with more rooms, you could adjust the time to fifteen minutes. Or ten. Whatever it takes.

Well, I suppose it's time to tackle a new room. My husband's going out for a while, so I'm also going to surprise him some of his favorite tea. Shhhh.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cheap Drink: Fake Arizona Tea

Of all the drinks in the world, one that is guaranteed to drive my husband wild is sweet iced tea (for further proof, click here). I made the following recipe for him, and he was absolutely delighted! The recipe says to use green tea bags, but I didn't have any, so I just used regular Lipton. I also halved the original amount of honey (that stuff is expensive!), but Adam never missed it. So here is how I made it:


  • 1 gallon water, boiled
  • 2 tea bags
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 T honey
  • 1/4 cup + 2 T lemon juice

Steep tea bags in hot water for 1 hour. Add remaining ingredients, and serve over ice.

Price breakdown:
  • Water= free
  • Tea bags= $.10
  • Honey= $.28
  • Sugar= $.13
  • Lemon juice= $.37
Total cost= $.88
Cost per 8-oz cup= $.06

This is one of those rare occasions when I actually like doing math. Ohhhhhhh, yeah!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Why this Christmas will be very, very different

Whew! A lot happened this last week! Since last Tuesday, I have
  • Cleaned the entire house
  • Been the hostess with the mostess at Thanksgiving-- and I didn't even burn the turkey!
  • Gone on a two-day, fifteen-mile hiking trip. Yep, I am now painfully aware of EVERY muscle in my legs.
  • Celebrated six months with my favorite husband!
  • Decorated the house for Christmas
Speaking of Christmas, this will be our first Christmas away from home. My mind still hasn't grasped the fact that Christmas is not going to occur at my family's home. No familiar Christmas caroling. No familiar Advent rituals. No familiar Christmas fudge. That may be the worst part. I can't even find my stocking, which was supposed to be here with us. I don't even get to wake up on Christmas morning to find my now-lost stocking magically filled by Santa! I'm going to really miss all that coal! This is all very important to me, but this year will be different.

Basically, what is going to happen this year, is that I may actually be forced to discard the meaning I have attached to Christmas- warm, fuzzy traditions and time with the family- and really find the meaning in the Manger. Who'da thunk?

I'm excited about that.

Not to mention, I FINALLY get to have Christmas with Adam! Now, where is that mistletoe...