Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Works For Me Wednesday: Backwards Edition

I'm pregnant! Good thing I'm so excited, because all that excitement is needed to counterbalance an equally distressing occurrence:

Morning sickness.

In this Backwards Edition of Works For Me Wednesday, I'd like to ask all you moms who have come before me: how did you combat the queasies?

Things that have worked for me so far: eating a little something before getting out of bed, and drinking lots of water. Things that are not working so great: ginger. It has actually been making me sick. My problem times tend be late morning, when I'm at my desk at work, and the evening--before, during, and after dinner.

So please-- tell me how to get that glow of pregnancy! (unless you think green is a glow)

Thank you for stopping by! Feeling like the Answer Guru today? Check out more burning questions at We Are THAT Family.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Pregnancy Lowdown

So-- the cat's out of the bag! Adam and I are pregnant with our first baby! I am super excited! So, without further ado, here are all the answers to your burning questions.

How far along am I? Only about seven weeks-- which, I just realized, is mercifully halfway through the first trimester.

How am I feeling? Ooooh, don't make me go there! I am sick. Sick. Sick. Sick. Fortunately, I've only had a few episodes of bowing before the porcelain throne, but I feel nauseous 24/7. Even thinking about food usually makes me green. Because of said nausea, I usually spend my free time lying down.

So what have I been eating? Things that would probably make a doctor blanch. I used to be a HUGE lover of all things green, leafy, and organic. Now, I can't stand the sight of vegetables. :-( I've been eating lots of string cheese, crackers, and baked potatoes. I've also started drinking at least two 24-ounce containers of water with lemon at work every day-- a huge increase from my camel-like ways.

So how am I getting any nutrients? Well, Adam's grandmother is a purveyor of fine Shaklee vitamin products, and as soon as she heard the news, she sent me big jars of multivitamins and B-Complex tablets. This baby is going to have the best neural tubes in the world, lol.

Any weird cravings/aversions? My latest craving is frozen yogurt. Great stuff! On the down side, my morning best friend and I have had to part ways. *sniff* I'm sorry, Coffee, it's not you, it's me.

How is Hubby taking it all? He is thrilled, and doesn't mind at all when I'm crabby/ravenous/helpless. I'm not letting him forget whose fault this is. :-P