Friday, August 20, 2010

Our cats are also guinea pigs

One of the fun parts of preparing for Baby D's arrival has been testing out all the baby products.

Apart from some slight shredding, I think the Moby Wrap is good to go.


  1. awesome. btw, i live in the black moby wrap. lifesaver!

  2. I LOVE this photo. I needed a good smile tonight. I hope you don't mind but I "borrowed" it over at The Apron Goddesses. I had to announce you were the WINNER of the apron giveaway by Sugar 'n Spice aprons and wanted some other folks to come see your funnies. :)

    Please send me an email with your address and I will forward to S n S Aprons. Congrats!!

  3. Thats so funny and the look on his face is priceless.

    Thanks for stopping by Spotted Smiles.
