Saturday, July 10, 2010

Use It Up, Wear It Out: Jello (Day 5)

Last night's cooking endeavor was less than stellar. It was the first Friday night that Adam and I have both been off work in a long time, so we made it Date Night. Through three years of college, Friday night was always date night, but for the past couple years, work schedules have kind of blown that out of the water. So it was fun to revive the tradition for an evening!

Since we're still working on eating the 15 Bean Soup and the Pupusas, I wanted to make a more dessert-y item. After some digging in the pantry and a consultation with Recipezaar, I found this:

I was going to make this jello-applesauce recipe. It requires that the jello set in the refrigerator for an hour before mixing in the applesauce. However, when the hour came up, we were in the middle of a movie, and I didn't feel like holding up the show just to stir in a quarter cup of applesauce. Wouldn't want to interrupt all that romance generated by watching Lion King 1 1/2, right? ;-)

So I just ended up with a plain old bucket of grape-flavored Jello. Since I don't like artificial grape flavor (reminds me too much of the children's Tylenol my mom fed to me by the truckload when I was a kid), Adam gets to enjoy it all for himself!

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