Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Why I love Tuesday

I *love* Tuesdays! Tuesday and Sunday are my two days off from work. Since Adam is home on Sunday, that day is kind of a "anything can happen" day, because it's all about us being together. But Tuesday, mmmm, delicious Tuesday, is a day that I can count on a few things happening:

*The floor gets picked up and vacuumed
*The house gets a good dusting
*The kitchen gets a little cleaner
*Some laundry gets done

In short, it's the day where I feel a little less like a housewife fail.

I know many women who derive a great deal of satisfaction from going to work. Getting out of the house, doing great things at the office, and earning a livelihood are what make life worth living for them. But for me, little makes me happier than the domestic life. For me, a job is just a way to stay in my castle for another month. :-P I find cooking relaxing, menu planning interesting, and cleaning therapeutic (even though it sometimes takes a lot for me to get off my duff and actually clean. I am human, after all). I hate leaving the house every day and leading a life fragmented between work and home. Perhaps it's because my parents have always worked at home that I love making home my work.

So this is why I love Tuesday, and why, come August, I will be leaving the working world entirely and doing the Stay-At-Home-Mom thing. Sure, finances will be very tight, and I know that I have some very frustrating SAHM days ahead.

But every day will be a Tuesday.

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