Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My First Real Meal-- An Easy Recipe

Today, I cooked a meal for the first time in nearly two months. I am not proud to admit this, but I have eaten a vast amount of fast food since becoming pregnant, due to two unfortunate reasons:

1. Going to the grocery store made me sick.
2. Going into the kitchen made me sick.

So what do you do when you haven't gone grocery shopping for weeks, and you don't feel like cooking it anyways? I'm thinking Arby's!

But there is a point when too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing, and for the past week, I've been tired of eating out. I was hankering for a real, home-cooked meal. So today, I made one of my favorite No-Food-In-The-House meals.

For a couple servings, you'll need:

  • Dry pasta
  • Several cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Parmesan cheese

Start the pasta cooking. Meanwhile, slice the garlic cloves. Toss into a pan with plenty of olive oil and saute until it's just barely brown. You don't want to overcook the garlic, or else it's not as good. When the pasta is done, drain and toss with the garlic (and the extra oil) and parmesan cheese to taste. Enjoy!

For more useful bits of information, visit We Are THAT Family.


  1. hahaha! You sound so much like me!! Only we're too far out to be able to run for fast food. I used the crockpot a LOT - on the days I felt like doing anything - and it was mostly something like throwing chicken in it, pouring BBQ sauce over it, and then letting Daniel put the rest of the meal together that evening. Thankfully the kitchen/food didn't make me sick, I just was NOT interesed in cooking (I had 24-hr. feeling-yucky sickness). Eating? Oh yeah! When I didn't feel sick, I wanted to eat. I survived many a day on pasta or baked potatoes.

  2. Yum! I came across a variation of this in a cookbook, but you add canned clams (and their juice). Awesome!

  3. @ Miriam: aren't husbands the greatest when it comes to picking up that pregnancy slack? I don't what I'd do without Adam around!

    @ Mom2fur: I had no idea this dish actually had a name! Maybe there is a little Italian in my family tree that I don't know about...

    @sandwiched: mmmm... clams...

  4. Yum! I'm a big pasta lover too. The one thing your meal is missing is a vegetable. A really easy one to add to this recipe is kale. It's one of my favorite convenience foods because it's so easy to freeze and use (without thawing!) in many recipes.

    I have to tell you about Honey Baked Lentils, a main dish you can mix up in minutes from affordable, shelf-stable ingredients and then just stick in the oven for an hour or so--very convenient!

    I hope your pregnancy nausea fades soon. Start planning ahead for the baby phase by learning lots of recipes that take little attention to cook and are flexible about details. Variations on this basic Lentil Rice saved me from martyred mother starvation many times!
